Northern Oregon Coordinator Liz Perkin Bids Farewell
It’s with mixed feelings that I’m announcing my departure from Native Fish Society. I’ll miss working with the amazing volunteers and staff at NFS, but I’m excited to return to my scientific roots in a position with the Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife.
In my time at NFS, I’ve experienced first-hand how dedicated the wild fish community is, and I’ve learned so much from you all. One of my earliest trips with NFS was doing a steelhead spawning survey on the Salmonberry with River Steward Ian Fergusson. When I rewrote the petition to list Oregon Coast and Southern Oregon/Northern California Chinook under ESA, River Stewards Stan Petrowski and Peter Tronquet were there to support that effort and provide additional information. McKenzie River Stewards Dave Thomas and Chris Daughters told me about the Trout Study on that river and how it resulted in eliminating trout stocking from key areas of the river. Matt Mendes led a willow replanting on the lower Deschutes, and Tom Derry’s close connection with ODFW staff in the Molalla River allowed us to take on NFS’s biggest restoration project to date! And that’s barely scratching the surface of what River Stewards both taught me and accomplished just during my 4 years at NFS.
As hard as it is to leave such a wonderful team, I’m excited to join the Eastern Oregon Research team based in John Day. As an assistant project lead, I’ll be investigating how wild steelhead and spring Chinook respond to habitat restoration and changes in management, primarily in the John Day watershed. I’m excited to use my scientific training to help wild, native fish in a critical watershed. Fortunately, I’ll be able to see through the bioenergetics study we already had planned for the lower Deschutes River. I’ll also be staying on through early March to help aid the transition to a new Northern Oregon Coordinator. I’m confident that a great candidate will emerge to take over my position and will accomplish even bigger and better things with NFS’s excellent River Stewards.
Thanks so much to all of you for your support and good times on rivers over the past 4 years. Please don’t hesitate to reach out to me in the future if you’re ever passing through John Day and want to grab a beer or go fishing together!
— Liz Perkin
Liz, we’re incredibly grateful for your contributions and wish you the very best in your new role with the Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife! Over the past four years, Liz has served as the Native Fish Society’s Northern Oregon Coordinator, working with our River Steward volunteers and conservation campaigns all throughout the region. Liz has been an invaluable member of our team and we greatly appreciate her contributions to safeguarding Northern Oregon’s iconic homewaters and native fish.
While we’re sad to see Liz go, we’re glad she won’t be far away and look forward to opportunities to continue to work together for the benefit of Oregon’s wild, native fish!
Liz’s departure also means that the Native Fish Society is hiring a new Northern Oregon Coordinator in the near future. VISIT HERE for more information and to apply!
Check out some photos below sharing just a few of the many incredible activities and accomplishments by Liz Perkin during her time with NFS: