Recap - Essential Salmonid Habitat


On February 24th, Native Fish Society hosted a Lunch and Learn presentation on Essential Salmonid Habitat (ESH) featuring ESH update stakeholder, Jake Crawford of FlyWater Travel.

Essential Salmonid Habitat is where anadromous salmonids spawn and rear. ESH designation requires any activity that removes or adds materials to the stream to obtain a removal-fill permit before work commences. Activities like suction dredging are not allowed in ESH designated stream segments.

Jake Crawford and Native Fish Society will share what ESH is, how it protects our rivers, and fish.The presentation will include how to utilize the proposed updated map, and ensure you are prepared to recommend additional streams or rivers as ESH. Please watch this featured presentation below.

If you have any questions about ESH or how you can get involved contact our Southern Oregon Regional Coordinator, Kirk Blaine at today.

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