The Dean River for $100


Steelheaders, forget your bucket list, this is a shot at the Holy Grail!

Thanks to the remarkable generosity of one Native Fish Lifetime Member, we are raffling off a seven-day adventure for one angler to Hodson’s Dean River Lodge during dry-fly prime time: August 6th - August 13th, 2020. That’s right, this is your only shot at fishing the hallowed waters of the Dean River and supporting wild steelhead conservation across the Pacific Northwest for just $100.

Starting today we’re raffling off 250 tickets, each for $100 - with no limit on the number of tickets per person. All ticket sales are first-come, first-served, and when we run out, we’ll pull the lucky winner. Proceeds support Native Fish Society’s work cultivating a groundswell of public support to reviving abundant wild fish across the Pacific Northwest.

Our lucky winner will spend the first three, not-soon-to-be-forgotten days, skating up some of the most powerful and aggressive wild summer steelhead in the world. This is water that fishing travel guru Ken Morrish wrote, “In all fairness, the water surrounding the upper camp may be some of the finest trophy steelhead dry fly water in the world.” Then it gets even better. You’ll chopper downriver and spend the next three days fishing at the lower main Hodson’s lodge, just seven short miles from the salt, above the famous Dean River falls. Be prepared to see your backing on a daily, if not hourly basis.

This once in a lifetime trip includes all meals, guided fishing from Dean River jet boats, a privately chartered flight from Vancouver, B.C. to Bella Coola B.C., and a spectacular helicopter ride over hanging glaciers and snow-capped peaks into the upper Dean River. To cap it all off, Danny Hodson, the Hodson Family, and their guide staff are pioneers of the Dean River fishery. You’ll be spending a whole week fishing some of the most storied water in fly fishing, with some of the most knowledgeable folks in the business.

Don’t miss your shot at the holy grail of steelhead fly fishing. Get your Dean for $100 tickets while they last!

*Does not include travel to Vancouver B.C., licenses, or gratuity

Raffle tickets on sale: February 24 - April 14, 2020
Drawing: April 15th, 2020, 3pm

Hodson's Dean River Raffle is on now! This is your golden opportunity to win a prime-time week on the Upper Dean River in 2025 for only $100! *Only 250 tickets will be sold | Tickets are $100 each | Drawing held on March 14th at 3pm.*